Originally Posted by Kraken370
Car wouldn't start today. Got a yellow blinking key symbol. The car battery and key fob are fine. I had to get it towed to the dealership. From research in this forum, it seems like it could be that steering lock issue. My car is a 2009 which seems to be the year with all the problems. I'll update when I hear what is wrong from the dealer. Not pleased.
About a month ago, I was having the same kind of issue. Replaced the fob battery without any changes. So, I brought it to the dealer and they could find nothing wrong either.
Over the next few days, I did some trial and error and it turned out to be the original key fob. The one that I always used was causing the no-start condition. When I broke out the secondary fob, the problem went away completely. In the Spring I will have to get a replacement and all should be good.
May not be the same as yours, but worth a try....