Originally Posted by birdman71
I already have reached out to them on the forums behalf, They know about this thread and they know that there are customers that are still waiting for their orders. It's not that they have a lack of doing the right thing, like GTM/Sam. That was lack of doing the right thing. From what I understand this has been more of a delay than anything.
Plus like I said before, when you run a business and have hundreds of orders to fulfill and there is a personal issue that ceases production of the business there will be delays. From what I understand Rich is the only one who crafts the parts. Alex is more front desk work with Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
I understand as a customer being out money and no parts yet it does suck yes. I have been there plenty. In the end though when you have these hundreds of orders all messaging you the same thing about "where are my parts? Have they been shipped? etc.", he can't just sit there and answer each and every person to tell them all that they are still in production and will be shipped when they are done in the order of Order #; at that point he wouldn't ever have time to try and make or ship any of the parts that need to go out. You can push an elevator button as many times as you want, but it just won't come any faster.
Yeah it is a sucky situation, but try to be a bit more patient in regards to the fact that there are people receiving their parts. Slowly yet surely things are still being worked on. Like I said, this isn't a GTM/Sam like issue where the company shut down and won't fulfill any orders whatsoever.
Trust me, I'm trying to help you guys too, but I also understand the business and personal sides of it for Rich, which is why I didn't give out his cell phone number.
I think he meant how were you able to contact them to order the parts.
I personally would've appreciated a reply pm to let me know whats going on.
Busy sure No problem I guess

On the elevevator example?
Sure but you always see more than one elevator in a building.
I totally understand Gavin Im just messing with you.
Thanks for the heads up.
The only reason this thread has not been closed already is for the simple fact the Op's issued hasn't been resolved.
Originally Posted by njobe89
that's one way to lose business