Originally Posted by mishuko
because i still owe i'm fully covered... drove to work today and it started to snow. wtf.
hoping it dries up to take it thru a touchless and then repark on the weekend.
You can still do fire and theft. I did it every year I owned the z. I don't owe on it anymore but the last 4-5 winters that I did owe all I needed was to contact the lender tell them what was up. They then either give you a letter or will send something to insurance on your behalf. Then when you give that to them insurance will gladly switch it for you. Just need to do a little leg work yourself to get it. But you will save probably at least $150/month.
I pay a little over $200 when on the road full coverage and $500 deductible. Then for fire and theft I am around 30-40/month for winter. I also have a large speeding ticket on my record and I am 29. But it is almost gone one more year of the BS. Worst part is. I beat the ticket. But since it involved a suspension that stays on record even though I wasn't charged for the offence, so stupid! Pay more insurance for 5 year even though I won. My lawyer said there was not much I could do about it too.
So ya if your paying more then us and your older then us with clean record your getting raped!