Originally Posted by BOLIO 671
That's cool....I've seen these types of races before online but never knew how it worked or what the overall objective was.....I guess similar to the street races on a roll....
So question is does it come down to who crosses the line first or the trap speed.....For instance in your case with the ZR1 he started off early before the second cone....so I am assuming that he made it to the finish line first...but you had a higher speed...so in a situation like that who wins? Also is there a disqualification for those that jump or false start before the 2nd cone?
There are rolling half mile events that have rules like you are talking about but this was a fun event so the rules are meant to keep everyone safe and to be able to compare times. All things considered, Ryan was faster anyway you look at it because he had the higher top speed in a shorter distance.