Originally Posted by Minicobra1
Do you have a review posted up on this larger Stillen? temps, etc. I searched but couldn't find a thread. Thanks for the DIY 
No, but good point. I'll give a quick summary.
So, I took the kit out for my track day this November. Max ambient temp was in the high 60's, low 70's. I dont believe my oil ever peaked over 235-ish. It did a fantastic job keeping everything nice and cool. HOWEVER (there's always one of those, right?), its worthy to note - I recommend getting a thermostatic plate (I didn't have the cash for one immediately), because it can take a while to get warm, and furthermore, under normal daily driving, it really wont even get very warm at ALL. If I could recommend anything to Stillen, I'd recommend at least making an option for a thermostatic plate.
Other than the iffy instructions, the kit is great and does its intended job very well.