Originally Posted by Tigger
yeah but logic took hold. i can't deny the benefit of a 9mm forever. and this fills the gap in the home defense line. so i'm good with it. now, if they made this in 45, then yes, i would have taken that one. but this will work just fine.
Could have gotten an XDs in 45.
Nice buy though, welcome to the HK family!

There is a reason I have 6 HKs.

I like the P30's in general but HK messed up with that slide mounted decocker. I prefer the decocker to be apart of the safety like all the rest of HK pistol family. Also since the decocker is on the slide you can't swap out the triggers like you can with the USP, P200, HK45, and the non-slide mounted decocker variants of the P30. That is one of the reasons I want a P30L V1. The other reason is that the V1 has the LEM light trigger like what I have installed in my HK45s