That is crazy! Same happens to me. On the Highway I like to just cruise to work and back home (average 63 mph). I am always in the far right but people like to tailgate instead of passing from a distance. So what I learned to do is what I call 'find excuses' which for the most part is getting fair distance behind a Big-Rig so that other drivers behind me can see that I cannot go any faster...It works all the time! I build my Z just because that is what I like doing...Turning the wrench (retired aircraft mechanic) and like, no LOVE, the Import Tuner scene (lived in Okinawa for 12 years surrounded by FDs, 1Js/2Js, RBs and SRs); not to drive like I stole it and put others in danger. Wanna Race? Let's go somewhere where only you or I will possibly get hurt.
Last edited by edo-san; 11-24-2015 at 08:25 PM.