you can search the forum but because you're also from the glorious motherland of canadia i'll make it for you.
1) oil change (debatable but most do it before storage) - some do it before and after, some do it before then drive, others wait until new season. i'm in the middle. i do it, drive it a bit out of storage and when convenient (before 5000km) oil change
2) fuel stabilzer - drive your tank to 1/4 tank. add in the small bottle of STABIL (treats 70L), top up your tank and drive a few clicks to make sure it's nice and mixed into the lines
3) wash and detail your car - varying degree. if you're going to have a car cover take it out for a rip to make sure the water gets wooshed away
4) plug your tailpipes with some wire gauze (inside or outside storage for varying reasons)
5) over inflate your tires to prevent 'squaring' - or use wheel savers or whatever. i just over inflated mine with no issue. 45psi at that.
6) open a box of baking soda and place it somewhere visible so you don't knock it over and deal with that mess after
7) hook up your battery tender - the one i have i connected to the prongs. make sure you unook the negative terminal before even playing with it. ymmv but if you shock yourself luwl too bad so sad. hope you have a policy
8) wheel cholk the car, leave in neutral, no hand brake
9) make a sticky note -> cholked wheels, tire pressure, baking soda, battery tender, plugged tail pipes for ease of remembering what you do.
some people start/stop teh car. i didn't bother. once a month i checked the tire pressures and pushed the car forward and let it roll back against the cholks to rotate the wheels a little.
uhh i think that's it