Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
Loved last night's episode! A great feature on a pivotal character and why they came back to the show at the end of the last season a changed person!
Loved it too; made the decision to watch the packers/donkeys game that much easier lol. I keed I keed. Watched it during commercials for the game though. It felt a lot like filler content imo but one thing the episode reaffirmed for me was how much I can't stand Morgan.
Couldn't kill his zombie wife, couldn't kill the wolves or the zombie that took out his mentor. The latter flop caused the death of a person and potentially more deaths at the hands of the wolves. For crying out loud, he let the one guy grab a firearm! And how the hell does a single staggering zombie take out a supposed bow master (not that it was ever believable with fat, bald guy wielding a stick lol). Morgan is just annoying and has no place with the group. I get the "all life is precious" mentality he carries now but not when you're responsible for the well being of a bigger group. Hopefully Morgan and that fcuk giraffe priest will take off on their own and won't waste another episode of TWD lol.