Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Nice! I've been super busy with work and school lately. Haven't really had time for much else. How's MI been?
Brother, its chilly... I heard its like 70/75 degrees down there.. damn man, Im fricken missing out..

Bay City is small, its more like a town. Surprisingly a guy a few houses up the street has a white 370 convertible, I haven't talked to him, and I doubt he's gonna come out and talk to me.. Thats just the way it is around here.. And I've gotten the typical middle aged white guy in a jacked up truck with dual exhausts trying to race me in my honda...

Saginaw isn't too bad, they've got lots of shopping which reminds me of Alexandria.. Thats probably the thing that'll keep me from going crazy.
And I gotta say, I had the best mexican food I've ever had here in saginaw, I couldn't believe it. It was that good.
I miss you guys man..