Originally Posted by Streetz
Was 648 your final numbers? I just read threw a couple pages and never saw a dyno graph or final numbers on E85.
What kind of power are you going to keep it at for daily use?
Yes sir! at 13.2 lbs she hit 648. HOWEVER I'm making a trip to FI tomorrow, might push it a little more

Tony and Seb were being safe, I want the chains off! LOL
Daily use, I've actually been driving around at 9lbs. Mainly bc it's so new and I'm damn happy with the power it's putting down so far, but also bc I'm waiting for my damn new tires/wheels to come in. I have no traction as it is on the nismo tires that are supposed to be "sticky" from the dealer. It'll be at 11lbs when those come in. LOL Crazy thing is I'm not losing traction shifting gears, it's when the turbos spool that the tires just can't hold. So I have 3 settings on my boost controller. Boost contoller off (6lbs), daily drive (9-11 lbs) and a third setting when someone needs to be taught a lesson (13lbs) LOL!