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Old 10-28-2015, 04:25 AM   #26 (permalink)
Zipper 104
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Default Junk fighter

Originally Posted by kenchan View Post
yah, i should get the junk-k fighter update this winter for sure..
I got my V1 this past summer. It has the JF update. Trust me; it's a noisy b**** even with JF.
Around town YaV1 will emulate Savvy. Savvy lets you set the V1 so you don't get any alerts under any speed you choose. The Savvy module can be purchased from Valentine and plugs into your OBD port. If you run the YaV1 app the software will emulate it so you don't need to buy it.
No. I don't work for, or have anything to do with Valentine. I just did the research before I laid out the coin.
Once again, the site I linked to is all you'll need...and no, I'm not connected to them either.

I'm half thinking of selling my setup. I can't be bothered to put it into the car except on road trips, and since I'm an old fooker I'm really careful where I do speed. And for me, speeding is 20 over, tops. Not like when I was a lead footed young'un.

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