Originally Posted by hjo1078
huh?  your argument makes no sense dude. So u saying competetion is what made gtm scam everyone including yourself bc they knew a better company would come out ?  lost some respect for you dude.
I actually think it does make sense. But I don't think you got my last point which was saying the Z platform community seems to be whats about now, not about whats been. GTM probably scammed people coz they knew no matter what, they would be in the position they are now.
Whether or not they ripped me off is a completely different situation, (not the arguement here), but GTM was held on a Golden Throne till they started messing up. I respected them till they ripped me off. But that's what they did, rip me off. I didn't screw them over because Fast Intentions/AAM/Greddy came out with a better kit, I screwed them over coz they ripped me off.
Uprev hasn't ripped anyone off. Have they?