So today I stripped the top end and exposed both VVEL control shafts on bank 1 & 2. Was pretty straight forward and only took about. 1.5 hours.
Once rear plastics were removed the actuators were quite accessible which mad my life easier.
First thing I noticed once the actuator unit was removed was the amount of sealant the engine builder had used. one of the oil galleries were pretty much blocked which really hasn't give me much confidence in them one bit! Pic below.

Also the central part of the sealed face should not have any sealant at all!!!!!!
My nest task was to clean up the actuator surfaces and the surfaces on the engine itself!
Now everything was clean I had to adjust the control shaft to the correct position.
looking at the engine from the front to back the low lift side is all the way to the LEFT! I turned the control shafts until they hit the stoppers. Set my magnetic angle gauge on the actuator arm and zeroed it. Them turned the control shaft RIGHT towards the large lift side until the gauge read 5.5 degree. Pic below

I've now managed to align the actuators up manually, but before I put it all back together I'm waiting on confirmation to where the actuator shaft needs to be positioned. The internal actuator shaft comes pre-set from Nissan with a jig setting the angle and position on the shaft. ATM my actuators have moved and although lined up still maybe in the wrong place on the shaft itself. pic below

any more help would be greatly appreciated.