Agree 100% on all counts! Especially overprocessing and exaggerated use of filters.
Every avenue of viewing is different whether it be a monitor or print.
I tend to favor prints because that's where I cut my teeth in photography.
And the end result is more in your control as well, so you can present your work without the unknown variables coming in to play.
I'm still using my Nikon D3 which in the digital realm of technology is almost a dinosaur.
Got tired of shelling out $thousands every 6 months just to keep up with the latest and greatest.
Might think of upgrading to a newer model once the 370z build is finished and paid for though !
In the meantime I can still make awesome quality images with it and with a little help from our friends at Adobe [still using CS3 btw ...

...once you've got the basics down you realize that most of the upgraded features are just repackaged actions or bundled tools].
I've also 'recalibrated' my Hasselblad Digital back to import images with a pre-correction to offset the green cast inherent in the raw image.
Thanks for posting !