Originally Posted by MC
I fear the Q60 coupe might be received how the Lexus RC was as sort of panned as looks the part but too soft and not up to german competition by any stretch of the imagination
speaking of the Q60 coupe this article speculates if it will make a surprise appearance at TMS . which would make the Z even less likely as im sure they want to stagger the debut of their two similar cars
【東京モーターショー15】市販前提も しくは市販直前と予想されるクルマ は!? - 【自動車パーツ・用品】ニュース - carview! - 自動車
yea I agree. highly doubt they would debut both together. kinda leaves some hope to repeat the debut at LA though for the Z. I mean its only 1 month separation from Tokyo but could be enough? lol
I just wish we had even some slight hint at what the fate of the next Z was or when.