Originally Posted by z_blk
Yeah I read up on it and they said it to be 200cell.
To give you a bit of context I have 2 roads to go down. 1 of them is getting berk HFC's. The other is getting them custom made using the Magnaflow cats & I can either choose the 100 cell or 200 cell...
So I just need to know the difference and if they have issues or whatever. I've been reading up on so much "CEL" problems I just don't want the to happen with whatever I choose lol
You won't go wrong with the BERK HFC's. ....I went 10K with my first Z and had no CEL issues and I'm a little below 4K with my 2nd Z and have had no CEL issuses.... they're a popular choice amongst members and I haven't heard on anyone having an issue with them.....
Here's a link to Semtex's impression of their fouler system when he switched them out for the F.I. LTH ' S
F.I. Long-Tube Headers installed - Review/Pics/Vids/Dyno