I know its been posted a ton of times and I don't need instructions on how to reset it. I've reset this thing 30 times now. It just starts blinking and turns the airbag off anytime anyone sits in the passenger seat. Drives me absolutely crazy. Could it be a seat sensor? I've already tried unplugging the cables and plugging them back in. My last resort is a piece of electrical tape. It's gonna happen soon..
I really don't want to get raped at the dealership for it. I was one of the original people with the stearing lock problem. After a month of fighting they replaced it for free but I still had to pay for the labor. Now I see they just recalled it. So I already kinda got screwed for that.
When I floor it alittle, it says "break"
From what I read that issue was due to having low brake fluid.. It's not low, but I'll top it off and see if it works.
VDC just randomly shuts off when I backup sometimes, and somethings when I'm just driving.
Just seems like one thing after another with this car now..

It's time to sell it, but I'd like to get some of the issues resolved before. Great car, but the electrical system on this thing seems to have a ton of issues.
Anyone have any ideas?