No it took 5 responses for you to understand that the numbers I was using for my examples, which is why you put multiple replies to separate people together.. lol is everyone as dumb as you in Texas? I sure hope not. Plus I've stated to call Gamma motors multiple times for accurate numbers
All of the information I've been stating and elaborating on has been from someone who actually has been to the shop as of recently or has had consistent insight on this entire process and of whom I have personally discussed
The only information I have seen out of either of your or David's posts are that Gamma cannot be trusted ever and about how Sam is a scam and how everyone who does cater to every customers whim should be banned because we have a community.
As a community you should also know that although opinions can differentiate but when you start with the insults and condescending behavior all it does it bring tension among the community.
But seems to me that you guys do not understand that; please do not say that I have done it too and I am the reason why you guys are because the twice I have been insulting or condescending was after it was already dealt.
Remember that respect isn't given freely
Speaking of respect, doesn't seem like David has acknowledged Todd's post.
Also, how is it that you ended up misunderstanding that last statement? They've called everyone on GTM's list? really? then what is with the issue about how people haven't heard from them and have to call them?