Well reading is also fundamental to you Texans

and not just read the parts you want to. You should also read that in my text I stated that it was a group buy with the figures I was working with and also a generalize consensus that a TT kit costs 10k with no addons. Not only that they are estimates. I have also stated in many other posts as bullitt has to CALL GAMMA MOTORS TO FIGURE OUT THE EXACT AND YES I SAY EXACT NUMBERS OF WHAT IT TAKES FOR YOU TO GET YOUR KIT
And you're going to say that I'm somehow stupid and do not know how to read due to the pollution of Southern California? And on top of it trying to just sit here and twist peoples' words after the specification multiple times on how the numbers are estimates and Gamma Motors should be called?... how cute!

[insert one of many Texan humiliation jokes]
Don't remember when I told everyone that my numbers should be written in stone and that I work for Gamma Motors and have the final say on everything cause I don't. Bullitt works closely with them still don't have any say on anything, because I don't, Just been trying to help people understand reasons on why things are happening like Bullitt. But looks like you cannot understand that side of reality.
I stand corrected on your situation Tiller. That is one of the grey area zones since it was in the process of the switch, I would definitely get in line with the Lawsuit against Sam. I would keep trying to get a hold of Gamma Motors and see about getting the 4k they want you to pay reduced by some point or have them provide and exact part for part invoice on why you owe them 4k for the kit. If you have recordings based off different dates recorded showing that there is misrepresented information in regards to how ready your kit is then you may have some leverage in the situation on price.
If you (anyone) ends up paying the extra amount to Gamma Motors I would add that number in on the amount that you are asking for in the Lawsuit against Sam
Just an idea