Originally Posted by Zbrah
I'm "corrupting" who now? lol never knew my words have the powers to corrupt minds of grown adults over the internet. Everything that I said about gamma are being supported by the guys who have had personal experience dealing with gamma. All you and bullit have done is diverting the facts that gamma is commiting extortion to get more money into their pockets. Keep pushing these guys to go away quietly and " work out a deal" with gamma. Please. I and a few others won't sit here and let that happen. If gamma doesn't want to answer their calls. We will continue to put on the heat and give them bad rep in every thread you guys put up until the here guys get what's owed to them.
Originally Posted by birdman71
Have fun 
Skew would be a better word than corrupt
Good luck with that then! Honestly. I understand both sides here because I have been scammed for a big sum of money before and never saw a cent of it nor the product and I also understand there are the members that have all this money invested; but I'm sorry legalities will win in court and in the business world over everything you "think" is morally right and wrong.
You can keep trying but a business will only budge so much, especially if they are already doing the ripped off GTM customers a favor.
I've learned first hand.. (not with GTM or Gamma, completely separate purchase implied)