So because you and vivid spents xxx amounts of money with gtm and small joe on the forum only spent x amount. You guys deserve higher priority and prompt attention? Sorry man, but that condescending attitude is what drove that business to the ground. This forum is full of potential customers like small joe, and your words doesn't instill much confidence right now. I hope this new company learn from that mistake and start treating each one of their customer, large or small, with the same level of respect and service, and not just the selected few. So far gamma haven't shown any signs of that. So before we start talking about possible vendor status. How about making amends with all the unhappy customers first! That's how you earn credibility and establish new client base. It's basic business 101. Not this "We are not legally or morrally obligated" bull crap. If you don't think there is anything wrong with the way this company answered its potential customer, you're very much contributing to its problem. And I don't care if their products are the best in the business (which I highhly doubt), if they can't establish trust with their customers base, they will be gone quicker than you can spell out C A N C E R.
Possible vendor :

yeah, good luck with that!