Thread: Engine and Tune
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Old 10-06-2015, 10:42 AM   #14 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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my basic car care package is filters, Id recommend changing over to a dry filter media on your CAI, clean MAFS with CRC electrical contact cleaner vs the designated crc MAF cleaaner. We realized it left a residue on the contacts once it dried. The electrical contact cleaner does not. Inspect throttle bodies and clean as needed. Make sure you disconnect the battery when servicing these or idle while issues could come about. Whatever oil your running, get a UOA, see if your good there. I always do a fuel injection cleaner every 7-10k depending on habits. The best ones Ive used is BG, amsoil, and good ol lucas "deep clean injector"...redline is also pretty good, has allot of PEA the detergent agent in chevron techron. Spark plugs is next, I recommend a plug with a silver core and electrode for best thermal conductivity and electrical. Brisk racing makes the absolute best plug on the market, hands down. Other than a compression test/leak down, Id get a tune....some guys replace their up stream 02's after a couple years of hard track time. The VHR is such an amazing motor one you get the oil cooling under control
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