Originally Posted by tirespin782
This seems so patently obvious, I'm curious this thread isn't titled as such. It appears Gamma underestimated the animosity that GTM had generated and realized ANY association with SAM is an instant non-starter for most.
Bullit made some outstanding points, however they had to know the history of the person with whom they were associating with. I mean is anyone totally exempt from being judged by the associations you keep?
Hennessey made a comeback (though I'd never support them), so it's not out of the question for this company.
Guilt-by-association is a legal concept and doesn't really apply in The Real World. Birds of a feather flock together.
Maybe Gamma didn't realize what was going on when they bought out Sam/GTM. But that just make me question how well they do their homework. It'll be interesting to see where all this ends up in six months or so. I'm hoping that Gamma will be able to turn things around but have serious doubts.
To those that have lost money in the changeover: I don't see much hope for y'all from a legal standpoint. If you do win in court, you can't get blood out of a turnip.

As much as you may hate it, paying a bit more to Gamma may be the only way you get anything at all (except a big bill from your lawyer). I'd still wait a bit before sending them any money. Best of luck to all of you.