It's true.
Dear Todd,
I am the owner and CEO of Gamma Motors. I was made aware of your contributions on the community’s forum and I appreciate your standing up for what is right.
You may have already heard, due to the issues the community has with Sam we decided, for the best interest of the business, to terminate Sam’s employment with the company. that was tough decision due to his knowledge and experience of our product line. We may use his services on an as needed basis, again for the best interest of our customers for continuity’s sake.
I appreciate you guys giving Gamma an opportunity. We have ready kits to ship including SuperCharger Stage 2 kits.
If anything he will just be brought in as a consultant as needed, far far away from any business operations with Gamma.
Rocky @ Vivid ♦ 480.966.3040 x236 ♦
Email, PM, or call me directly for aggressive member pricing!!!