Originally Posted by warpeacelove
I think they did before they handed him off. It makes sense. It was bad PR for them especially last week from this forum and MyG37.com. No bueno!
yea I read into that g37 debacle as well as obviously seeing it here.
it's rough because regardless if they did fire him or didn't they still are carrying the weight of his failure. too much bad
PR against GTM and knowing it went to Gamma I see it being a rough road to recovery.
I mean you don't see too many Adolph's anymore do you?
Originally Posted by bullitt5897
LOL I wish... they are doing everything on a case by case basis. and they are willing to help but its going to have to be a two way street... I scratch your back you scratch mine kind of thing... and before you or De get any ideas... No this isnt a netflix and chill kinda back scratching... 
I mean...........we can work something out
actually next zdayz I wouldn't mind getting even a quick bit of shotgun seat time in that beast of yours.