Originally Posted by tcarretti
So schrute,
Besides the spacers, you didn't need to do any other suspension changes? Sorry to beat this to death, but I just wanted to be sure. Also, which brand of spacers? Ichiba?
Correct, no other suspension changes. I believe the spaceers are Ichibas, hopefully M.J. will see this and confirm.
Originally Posted by Mike
I have springs and spacers and was able to get a good alignment without camber arms. Spacers won't affect your camber.
Thanks Mike, prior to your response as I was reading this thread I was trying to figure out how spacers would effect camber - seems to me that the plane the wheel occupies relative to the plane of the ground isn't changed by using spacers, just pushed out farther from the hub but at the same relative angle. If I'm missing something someone please let me know.