Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
Did you clear the DTC? If you cleared the DTC and it keeps popping back up, I'd check the wiring. More info in the FSM, including R&R procedures (verify you did it right) and wiring diagrams.
 Welcome to the Intertubes and learn to laugh at yourself when you make spelling errors.  Complaining about it usually just makes it worse.
I had my mechanic use the Consult II or III (cant remember) to read the code and it came up Fr drivers side wheel speed sensor so I replaced that but the 3 lights remain. They come on when I start the car in the morning and Immediately turn off when I start driving. After about 1/4 mile of driving the come back on and stay on until I cut the car off and start driving again. I will have him reset the code again but Im certain after 3-5mins of driving they will come back on