Me neither, I'm not involved but I can understand where every side is coming from and the logic and reasoning behind it.
Sam does need to be put on blast, but not completely harassed and bashed and honestly the best way to do so would be with a Small Claims Lawsuit, if GAMMA does not start offering some sort of incentive to pay more money into their products, cause not only does it show him what he did was wrong and cannot just get away with it by another company trying to fix his mistakes. If Gamma say offers the piping and SC, to the one poster here with the SC issue, for $2200 but offers upgraded manifolds or some sort of upgrade to their current kit, that seems logical. But a price raise and then no incentive plus being out money currently on a kit that is no where or partially found is a rip off
I don't how healthy Sam is currently or know how much Sam understands that he is still 100% liable for everything that happened with GTM, but I do hope that he is doing better.
Honestly customers who purchased into the group buy or bought GTM parts and lost their money have three options:
1. Small claims suit to get your money back (could take multiple years or end in bankruptcy to where he doesn't pay any of it lol)
2. See about working a deal with the new company for an incentive of some sort, literally ask them "What can you offer me to earn me as a loyal customer besides taking over GTM's mistake?" (and offering to fix it for more money cough cough). See what they can do for you. Free shipping even at this point for some people who don't have a kit even would be nice.
3. Custom build the rest of your kit
For the customers out there that are complaining about paying more money, just remember that a true business model is "Spend money to Make Money" (look @ investors Careers lol) Not only is GAMMA having to deal with normal business operations (costs money), but also with the purchase of GTM (costs money), the purchasing of an increased amount of parts (costs money) for these GTM customers that were not correctly giving product in the first place, and then shipping, worker's cost etc. etc. if you bring in every little thing they actually have to pay for for everything they are trying to help with, I'm sure they are in over their head and are trying to recoup money. Sadly just not doing it in the right way to where it fixes what GTM has made a mess. Paraphrasing what bullitt said if they keep down this road they will not have a big enough market group with this investment they made with buying GTM and eventually have problems themselves.
Can only go on so long just spending money without making anything.
Yes it is a lot of money we are talking on both sides of the spectrum, customer and manufacture.