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Old 10-01-2015, 06:57 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bullitt5897 View Post
So let me clarify your question... So you want a company that bought the rights to GTM products/designs and in the process hired the original owner as an employee to pay for the mistakes of the previous company. And if they don't honor the mistakes of the previous company then they are the bad guys? Is that what your asking/stating? Because from a fact based argument it holds no water so to speak... Now if you really wanted to get your money back you would have to fight to get your money back through the GTM bankruptcy in which you and many others including myself would be low on the totem pole... It's a losing battle and the fact the new company is even recognizing the issues and has made efforts that have already begun to show retribution for some. I feel that they may be on the right track but at the same time may need guidance from the community on what we would expect as proper retribution for the grievances and debts owed to us.
I believe someone should make good on behalf of the customer, this should not fall on the buyer in any way, shape, form or fashion. Im not blaming the new owners either, they inherited a **** from the looks of it. But the customer is lastly, of ALL, who should have to be out. If i read correctly, he cant even get refund? Thats crazzzzzy
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