Originally Posted by redstarcg
You know whats funny is they actually do place vehicles there, but we obviously replace them with cgi. So there are some factors that come into play.
1. This job for instance, the truck isn't really made yet except for a few prototypes so we couldn't get access to a truck to drive around USA to shoot without anybody taking photos etc...
2. Lighting, its easier for us to grab a backplate during magic hour and then spend hours getting the vehicle perfect in the render, special highlights, etc...
3. I also do think its cost effective, esp if you pay for location, again same as number 2. We shoot the setup real quick and then spend hours getting it perfect haha.
Other than those things I am honestly clueless myself, however it gives me a job to do and I cant complain haha.
Ohh and the other thing is, if they ever need a base changed to platinum its easier to do in 3D vs trying to find the right trim to bring onto location.
We actually shot a whole superduty commercial before with a dummy truck which had tracking markers all over it, and afterwards replaced it with a cgi truck. That was a pain!
That makes sense, very good info and insight

Its amazing what CGI can do, I mean you'd honestly could never tell it was CGI. I've seen more real photos from manufacturers that look faker than the CGI which is ironic

You guys do a bitchin job thats for sure!