The only reason why the Maxima is getting so much flack, is because... It has 4DSC everywhere and we all know it's not!! But if this car was marketed as entry level luxury with performance for those who enjoy driving. People wouldn't be disappointed with it...
It's not even the FWD, that doesn't push it out of the running. It's the CVT. They should've figured out how to run the 7at in the Max. Second thing, it can still be lighter. A car like this if marketed as 4DSC should have Altima weight. Which the 2016 Altima's refresh is very nicely done.
Favorite Quote.
"I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just gonna Bash Your Face In" Jack Nicholson-"The Shining". 1980
Last edited by UNKNOWN_370; 09-24-2015 at 09:16 PM.