Originally Posted by Haboob
Do you have any night-time video? Curious of the quality at night.
Thanks for the link. I'd love to get something like this for my daily drive, but also for those fun runs up through the twistys.
Also, is it just that y'all are editing out stuff, or are you really that calm? I'm afraid to get one and share it, because all that you'd here is me yelling and cussing at these idiots cutting me off, etc.
That and there may be self incriminating video that I must delete... 
The quality isn't amazing, but it's decent. If you fast-forward to about 3:30, you can see me getting on the interstate. I slowed down to yield to the guy coming in from the right, but I guess he had no idea what was going on.
I usually try and hold in my rage. If I do ever say anything, I usually have the windows down, so it gets muffled a little bit.