Fuckin big a$$ scratch behind the front passenger wheel from some yard debris sticking out into a narrow road around a blind corner this weekend
And this morning, some idiot two lanes to my right decides he needs to turn left suddenly at 60 mph. There was no one else around us and his left turn lane didn't even begin until a few hundred yards up the road. Thankfully, I saw his initial movement in my peripheral vision as I was about to pass him. I barely had enough time to avoid him with probably about the most extreme maneuver I've ever had to make. Aggressive braking plus a sharp left sent me mostly through the 8' wide shoulder. I ended up with both rear tires and my front driver tire off the road sliding sideways on a very slight grassy embankment before I slowed down enough to comfortably to reenter the roadway just before his left turn lane started.
That's the second time some idiot has run me off the road, both times in the Z. It's also the second time they've driven off as his left turn light was green
No harm no foul I guess

I cooled off on the empty toll road for a good distance at 100 mph