Thread: SPC toe bolts
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Old 09-20-2015, 09:17 AM   #4 (permalink)
Joey o
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Make sure you have the right part # for our cars...I'm going thru this now. Here's what SPC Told me.

"You are correct; the 72050 kit is not the correct kit for your 370Z. Not only are the toe bolts different, the arms are not the same too. Even though you believe the arms fit, the recommended response is to return the 72050 kits and replace them with the correct parts. SPC cannot recommend using parts on an application when others are listed.

For your 370Z, you have two choice for rear arms: 72260 are the equivalent of the 72050 with rubber bushings, while 72262 has X-Axis joints instead of rubber bushings. These joints have greatly reduced deflection under load but may introduce a little more noise and/or vibration into the car.

Because you have the incorrect parts (even though they are obviously quite similar), I believe there is not a mislabeling issue her. Those are actually quite rare. We would be much more likely to think of a mislabeling issue if you had the correct part number and those parts did not fit correctly.

So, please switch out ALL the 72050 parts for either the 72260 or 72262."
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