Originally Posted by 1cintron
Also, since many people here have already made some progress with their logging tools and reading and sending commands to the vehicle with implementations on C#/ Vb.net. Has any of you put some thought into making the implementation compatible with Windows 10 using the Windows Universal App SDK? Will make it a lot easier to create the gui, and can be run in a raspberry pi.

GUI development in Visual Studio is very easy even for different platforms. But we'll need custom UI controls and display, which requires a lot of custom paint and graphics controls. I'm no good with coding graphics after taking a shot at creating my own gauge face. Bleh.
C# programming is fun to pick up, which leads to a nice transition to learning Java for Android development. The difference is the programming paradigm, which is a pain (IMO, the adjusting to the learning curve).
What I've managed to figure out with the .NET environment, though, is manipulating web content on the fly from the .NET program. Basically you create a form and embed a WebBrowser control (runs IE, unfortunately). You create a simple web page with text fields containing unique attribute IDs. The .NET program pulls these fields in as DOM objects that can be manipulated in real-time. You can also invoke Javascript functions from .NET side, or invoke .NET functions from Javascript. Also, the DOM provides ability to manipulate CSS properties, so you can change font colors or show/hide objects on the fly. It's just string manipulation.
In plain English, you can create a table to display values. Make it fancy with fonts and graphics. The .NET program displays this page, but it is also able to pull data, decode, and display the values. For plots, I use Zedgraph. I can code up a UI resembling an oscilloscope.
Anyhow, I recommend the definitions be stored in a database (Access/SQLite). From there you can search for the PID names or sort them in a TreeView display.
If you guys need a functional flowchart and examples, let me know.