This statement made me lol while our office was quiet. Damn, busted by the boss while reading the forums........
Originally Posted by Minicobra1
Yeah, I'm all for the testing  Thanks for the updates. Anyway of giving us a ballpark price range, we won't hold you too it  $5K-$7K, $6K-$8K, $7K-$9K. ??? Just want to know which child I have to sell on the black market in order to afford this. 
For me cost, as well as release date will be the determining factors for me. I don't really people (with a few exceptions) working on my machine. I have had to un-f___ my S13 at least 2 times because I decided to take it to a shop and have work done and the mechanics sucked or sabatoged me (I think the latter). I guess my main concerns are will this kit be about the same skill level install as a turbo kit and what will the tuning/ecu/piggyback be like. I had a Power FC in my S13 and the 1JZ setup has an AEM-EMS (Zerolift Autolabs installed my 1JZ). If I have to do the installation, that is fine. Tuning is a different animal all together If a piggyback is all that is offered, then I would rather wait until a better option is available.