Originally Posted by kenchan
sounds like a fun project, lava. 
Yea I'm excited to get them on, also have a new CF duckbill coming. I also have a new sound system (including an Appradio 3, Focal speakers, 12" sub and amps.) NST under drive pulleys, CF rear diffuser, OMP pedals, VMS CF shift knob, I'm sure I'm forgetting something...I know i'm slackin'! If I only had 3-4 more hours a day. Oh yea gotta install my Swift springs too.
I have more parts in my sig than are actually on my car.
Originally Posted by FairladyZ10PG
I don't like when people buy things and don't post pictures  share the joy with us!
Me either

. I was super busy today, didn't even have time to unbox the wheels or intake manifold. I'll try to post pics tomorrow