Lets keep this thread warm hahaha!!
Here are a few updates... lets start with 2 weeks ago... I go to a Drift & Time Attack Event with no plans to run the Z but well... my friends and my girlfriend dont help me too much hahahhaa! they want to see the Z at the track... soo I proceed

here are a pic that was taken at the event.
FB_IMG_1441031269693-2 by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
Well at the moment that im going to enter to the track starts raining a lot

soo no track time... but i have the chance to do some drift if i want... hahah! so i do it

here is a super shity quality video that a friend take... thanks to God that they dont take the video in black and white haha! i have to tell him to throw that damn cellphone to the garbage and buy a new one lol!
I have a fun and great day!
Then this weekend i go to a Z&G trip! was great and i count like 50 to 55 Z's & G's. here are some pics that i take...
image (4) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (5) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (6) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (7) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (8) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (11) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
and here are another pic of that day with my friend 2006 STi... I call it... Brothers from another Mother hahhaa!!
image (2) by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image (3) dark by
Carlos Berrios, on Flickr