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Old 12-18-2009, 02:29 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Default Thanks for the Replies

The server is acting up so I hope this does not appear twice. I appreciate all the replies. I thought, considering the popularity of the Z from the 240 to now, the source suppliers for performance parts, and fan base a magazine might be published for this market. I will have to keep my fingers crossed. I own old Mopars but have to admit, after reading the 6000th article on how to restore and or modify my 68 Barracuda, it gets kind of old.

Vipor, I take it that this magazine is no longer published but those ones pictured are in good shape (magazines). I can surf the web but am old school and still like to hold a good solid magazine in my hands with lots of glossy pictures. Easier to hold in the bathroom anyway ha ha

Last edited by Inspector71; 12-18-2009 at 02:32 PM. Reason: missed a posting
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