A suggestion for a future sight for MAZOC BBQ . Sight has shelter for up to 100 people, 2 fire places stocked with 2 cords of wood, horse shoe pits, corn-hole games, 3 grills, cost is 30.00 for a weekend day. It's MD State Park Swallow Falls that features campsites, cabins, swimming, water falls, free 1 hr canoe/kayak for those who stay overnight. Plus there are cabins at nearby Herrington Manor State Park that are fully equipped

. Also learned that local MD State Trooper Barracks is a "Food Drop-Off" for poor. If we all meet there & donate can goods, MD Troopers will give a escort to MAZOC MEMBERS to BBQ site ! Hey lets step up to the plate and get some MAZOC RECOGNITION ! It's far I know, cabins at Herrington Manor are sweet! Reservations can be made a year in advance. And the best part are the mountain roads to drive your Z on! "Go Local in Mid Atlantic States"!
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