Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
I have to agree.
There is also a lot of stuff that, as a base member, you don't get to see. TPTB were nice enough to make sure base members have access to all of the technical stuff but some of the social/fun stuff is limited to paid members. Click the "Premium Membership" link at the top of every page for more info. The decals alone are worth the price of admission, IMNSHO.
And then there's all that help-support-the-site-that-helped-you-out stuff. 
will definitely be looking into premium...who doesn't love stickers! I do love my Z, get compliments on the midnight blue all the time. Folks who don't know much about cars always think its some expensive high end car. When I tell them I paid 30g they are floored. Gotta love the poor man's Porsche! I think the body lines and curves are way sexier than a Porsche anyway!