Originally Posted by FairladyZ10PG
I think that'll depend on how popular this new one is going to be. If this one looks better than the old one, I'd imagine everyone wanting the new design rather than the old turtle 
The look can be whatever it wants to be. It could be the same look and everything.
I was more going off the pure quality of the shift knob. The heavier original brass steel of the Tommy Kaira hebi babi weighs roughly 1.4 lbs by itself. 518 grams I believe is what the original Japanese paperwork showed.
The titanium shift knob will ATMOST be 2/3rds the weight without oversizing the entire shift knob. Aluminum will weigh even less.
The heavier the shift knob with the quality and balance of the Tommy Kaira Hebi babi makes shifting like slicing through warm butter with a very sharp knife. The performance of the shift knob I do not believe will be matched unless they make it of brass steel again, but at that point the shift knob would retail at about $500+.
Just my $.2, but still curious about how the new shift knob will look and preform