We do have GTRs and cars with lots of aftermarket stuff done to them that are only allowed to be handled by 2 techs. The one who did your oil change was 1 of those 2. I will definitely talk to him though as I actually just got promoted. I will now be in charge of any oil changes that come through as an express service advisor. Didn't know they were even considering me but anyways at the same time I know how you feel. I don't want to come off as sticking up solely for my dealership because it is not my intention here. I will say I tend to watch over the work being done to my car still though...force of habit. We can bring back customers as long as they are escorted to observe the work being done. You can also request that they do not rev the engine at all and we can put that note on the ticket. If you do decide to come back ever. Also if you do I will take care of you. Got my word on that. I take care of my own just like with this situation. I'm divided because it involves both sides and it sucks. You also can bring it in at anytime and we can get with the boss man if you wanted to at any point. Just an option to see what he can do. I do have some of my own bad news though..previous owner beat the clutch to hell in my Z so guess where it is

I want to punch someone in the face. Only had it for 2 months! Looking back they replaced it at 20K before already! I mean wtf!?