Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Sooo, I know this is horrible of me, but I can get a set of Konig 17" wheels (I know I know) for $679 from Discount Tire this weekend and get $160 back in rebates.
Or I can bump up to TSW's and still get the same rebate but pay more of course.
OR I can just say eff it and get my earn$pend on and get Weds in 17" for $1200.
Originally Posted by Leingod
OR you save the money and invest it in a college fund for the baby. Can't hurt. 
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
You're no fun.
Originally Posted by Leingod
I'm practical at times. hahahaha
Say you're gonna get the Weds for $1200, get the Konig instead, cuz hey, they look great, save $600. Put that $600 you save in a college fund for the youngun. Best of both worlds.