Originally Posted by kenchan
yah, and these folks fail to notice all the other crap that can use more attention... like visitors leaving trash in the visitor's lot. where is the cleaning crew? wtf.
random kids leaving their bicycles and toys outside on their yard, random kids drawing with chalk on sidewalks, people taking out trash on days they aren't supposed to, or not pulling back their trash bins after pickup, illegal parking over sidewalks, stupid dog owners allowing their dogs to dig holes messing up the lawns, etc etc
You should start a petition to get the fine waved and all that other crap fixed or pay the fine and get elected to be on the HOA board to stop that crap.
I once found a squeezer in my mail box that I am 99.99999% sure it was the fat kid next door but im not 100% certain. So I just always keep a look out. I have not resorted to purchasing a video system, our neighborhood is pretty safe with 2 town cops, and 1 state trooper.