Coming from the VQ35HR world, I'm looking forward to hearing about a new Greddy kit for the 07-08's as I try to eventually get away from the GTM TT kit I have. Hopefully Greddy releases a new kit with the same or better power potential as the 20G kit with the tubular manifolds. I had the 20G kit on a DE and it was well worth it.
EDIT: Although FWIW, I will check with F.I. to see if they are interested in doing a kit for the HR - I'd be curious as to how much of their kit would be usable out of the box.
I tried buying one a while back, no dice. This is similar to hearing about Haltech eventually releasing a full standalone for VQ35HR. Been hearing that for years, eventually caved from waiting and a got an Elite 2500 -_-
Last edited by Juztin; 09-01-2015 at 01:55 AM.