Originally Posted by jhtran13
never got a traffic ticket before in my life before I bought a Z lol
Need some advice from fellow 370z members here:
My situation: I got a rolling stop sign ticket in Texas 1.5 months ago, paid the fine and did defensive driving. Today, I got a speeding ticket 16 mph over the speed limit, but i thought it was less than that.
Whats the best scenario to go about this; i really don't want my insurance rates to rise cause it would be rather painful.
My advice is to put on your big boy pants, go to court, plead your case and then accept the consequences. Sure you can get an attorney and spend huge dollars -- you may or may not get a better outcome. Likely you won’t and you will be significantly poorer through the process.
Why are so many people who get tickets for legitimate reasons and then spend so much energy trying to get out of paying the price? Geez. Man up.