Originally Posted by jhtran13
never got a traffic ticket before in my life before I bought a Z lol
Need some advice from fellow 370z members here:
My situation: I got a rolling stop sign ticket in Texas 1.5 months ago, paid the fine and did defensive driving. Today, I got a speeding ticket 16 mph over the speed limit, but i thought it was less than that.
Whats the best scenario to go about this; i really don't want my insurance rates to rise cause it would be rather painful.
i got a 30 over in a 60 zone (kmh) right before getting my Z. i fought the ticket and it dropped from a major to a minor and fewer demerits. while i was fighting it talked to my broker about rates.
it would have been 1000 more had i not contested the ticket. all in all it cost me about half of wha i 'saved' for fighting it but the long term saving out weighed the cost.
since you have had 2 infractions in a short period of time it'll be a little harder to fight and get it reduced.
if you're affraid of your rate increasing drive like granny. don't excessively speed and don't be a dingle berry.
also when you say 16 over the limit... what is the zone you were in? 16 over on the highway isn't as bad as say... 16 over in a community.
good luck.
Originally Posted by kenchan
my Z's rate is like 250 or something for 6 months.. and the rest of the 6months i suspend it during hibernation so $17 or something during that period.
so i guess i will look for a easier less paying job. lol
that's what i was paying last year a month (converted).... it dropped 20% this year