Not silly. I would want that because the load manual says I can load that. I have no idea what setup would be the most accurate so I'd want to test basically a low, medium and high charge and after maybe some in between. Since I physically can't do a high charge (no idea how hornady can and I can't) I have to back it all down. These rounds will be used out to 600+ yards so I'd like as much speed as possible. The heavy 75gr bullet will help but I'm trying to get it all. I've only been loading 2-3 years so it's all trial and error. I'm stuck on primers since I have like 5000 and powder goes Awall for 6 months and I can't get what I like. Luckily my gun likes Xtac green tip and I'm up to over 1000 rounds. These rounds for the wife's gun and going long range and still being sorted out. Again I'm stuck with my primers and I like the hornady match 75's so powders still being sorted now. Fingers crossed, others have loved a hornady bthp 75gr with RL15 at 24gr, so I hope we both do too.
Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I've got a rather silly question: Why would you want to load to max velocity? I would think that the 'name of the game' is to find out what load is the most accurate (bullet, powder, case, primer) for the weapon you are shooting. Some weapons prefer heavier bullets, some need the lighter ones because of rifling twist, others don't like certain powder/primer combos.
I've been reloading for about 30 years now, and yeah, it's a pain in the backside to build small lots of ammo to test powder/primer/bullet combos. For example, my favorite load for my mini-14 doesn't work as well in a 5.56 AR platform gun, even with the same rifling twist. The mini will shoot 1" to 2" groups at 250 yards, the AR platform gun shoots 4-5" groups at that range with the same ammo. But for what I build ammo for, I'm good with that. I look for retained energy at the range I expect to use a weapon at and build ammo accordingly. Just my take on the subject. 